Potential Opportunities with Multiple Network
Multiple Network is an open network layer where developers can use standardized SDKs and APIs to access network functionalities, enabling the creation of a wide range of SaaS services & applications, including both apps and DApps.
For examples:
Personal peer-to-peer network tunnels (De-VPN).
Real-time financial and transaction data push networks.
Enterprise business management platforms based on De-WAN technology.
On top of that, Multiple Network also provides more efficient digital asset transmission infrastructure for a wide array of Web3 projects.
For instance:
Offers fast, bandwidth-maximizing, low-latency communication network for distributed computing networks (e.g., GPU training networks equivalent to IO.net)
Provides quicker and more convenient upload and download capabilities for distributed storage networks (e.g., storage on par with IPÉS)
Delivers faster node communication services for high-performance public blockchains, significantly reducing block times and increasing TPS (Transactions Per Second).