For Linux Users
The is a detailed step-by-step guide to become a Multiple Network node client on a Linux Operating System.
The is a detailed step-by-step guide to become a Multiple Network node client on a Linux Operating System.
Bind your wallet at to obtain a Unique Account Identification Code.
For binding instructions, refer to the first half of the Windows tutorial:
Connect to the Linux server via SSH client by entering the server’s public network IP account and password.
After successfully connecting to the Linux server, enter the command uname -a to check the Linux version and architecture.
If the Linux architecture is X64, download the client with the link below:
If the Linux architecture is ARM64, download the client with the link below:
Execute the corresponding command to download the client compatible with your Linux architecture:
Extract the installation package:
tar -xvf multipleforlinux.tar
Grant the required permissions:
chmod +x ./multiple-cli
chmod +x ./multiple-node
Configure the required parameters:
PATH=$PATH:/extracted directory/
Apply the required parameters:
source /etc/profile
Return to the root directory and grant permissions:
chmod -R 777 multipleforlinux
Start to run the program:
nohup ./multiple-node > output.log 2>&1 &
Bind the unique account identifier. After registering an account on Multiple Network’s official website, an unique account identification code will be generated for your record.
Input the unique account identification code and PIN code in the command:
multiple-cli bind --bandwidth-download 100 --identifier XXXXXXXX --pin XXXXXX --storage 200 --bandwidth-upload 100
Perform other operations if necessary. Use the --help option to view specific commands: